A PDF report of the roundtable is available here.
2006, 2nd OSS conference, Como, Italy, 9th June 2006
Exploring the potential
of OSS in ATM
2006, conference OSBC, London, 28th June 2006
OSS in Air Traffic Management:
The Need for a Meta-Community
2007, NoGoZone, a first GPL project in ATM.
This project is based on the resurrection of an archived ATM software.
It is considered as a case study to prepare licensing and infrastructure
issues for further Open Source ATM projects.
2009, ATV3D, a second GPL project in ATM.
This project is an innovative project about the use of 3D visualization in ATC.
The licensing scheme is identical to the one of NoGoZone.
2010, 6th OSS conference, South Bend, IN, USA, 2nd June 2006
Industry Regulation through Open Source Software:
A Strategic Ownership Proposal