First of all, we would like to express our sincere thanks to the people of the CALIBRE-CALIBRATION community who have built the foundation for initiatives like this roundtable, by guiding the OSS movement for the benefit of specific industrial fields.
Our deep gratitude goes especially to Professor Brian Fitzgerald, CALIBRE project leader, who immediately and fully endorsed our project of a cross-fertilization workshop, and to Andrea Deverell, CALIBRE coordinator for the excellence of her commitment in co-organizing of the round table. Particular thank also to Franck Van Der Linden who kindly invited his colleague from PHILIPS to cast light on legal issues.
The panel of open source experts who participated in the roundtable consisted of: John O’Flaherty (CALIBRE, IE), Joseph Feller (University College Cork, IE), Franco Gasperoni (AdaCore Inc., FR), Delphine Prieur (INRIA, FR), Arnoud Engelfriet (PHILIPS, NL), and Martin Michlmayer (Debian project, University of Cambridge, UK).
We are very grateful to these academic and industry experts for the time spent in preparing the presentations, and for their open, creative and constructive contributions.
The same goes for Jean-Dominique Frayssinoux, consultant in ATM, and for our EUROCONTROL colleagues who freely shared their insights and experiences: Gilles Gawinowski, Sip Swierstra, Carlos Garcia Avello, Burkhart von Erlach, and Garfield Dean.
Many thanks to those who express their keen interest in the round table and to the public, a gathering of 15 professionals who followed the invitation from CALIBRE or the EUROCONTROL 4th Innovative Research Workshop. Their interventions have been most valuable.
Special thanks to Martina Jurgens for her help in the logistics for participants, to Herve Bechtel and Gilles Chedozeau for the voice recordings of the debates.
Finally, considering the proceedings, we want to thank John Seifarth and Colette Uytterhoeven (Words and Wires, BE) for transcripts of all recordings and the bright idea of initiating a web site to broadcast the complete proceedings. Since this web site was built in an open source spirit, we could enhance its structure and content to emphasize the rich outcome of the roundtable.
The photos of the sessions are the work of the sharp eye of John O'Flaherty, whose notes were a precious aid in writing summaries.
Jean-Luc Hardy and Marc Bourgois, local organizers